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Housing Project - Aveling Drive, Banks, Stockport

11 Jun 2013
Case study

Lindab’s steel based Rainline rainwater drainage system features on a £2.9 million social housing project designed by leading environmental architects Denovo Design.

This new build housing development for Cosmopolitan Housing Association is located in a rural area of Banks, Southport, and comprises of a variety of 16 house types and 4
bungalows. The houses are either brick or a combination of brick and render.

Having specified Lindab’s Rainline for previous social housing developments, Denovo Design  were well aware of  Rainline’s key features including its minimal movement, its durability, ease of installation and importantly, Rainline’s extremely low carbon footprint which other systems cannot match.

To reflect Denovo Design’s care for the environment, to minimise disruption to voles present in an adjacent habitat, works on site involved close liaison with the local Ecology Officer to ensure that the voles and other wildlife were not disturbed too much.