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Historic Aitken House

16 Jun 2023

Sensitivity is paramount when creating a new structure in an area of ancient historic significance, like this village in the Southern Borders of Scotland. An external material palette of stone and Abodo Vulcan timber weatherboards were carefully chosen to help this new building merge with its neighbours.

When it came to material choices, the house closely follows that of its neighbours, with a lower level formed out of local stone and a darkly textured slate roof. Abodo Vulcan VG Cladding, laid both horizontally with WB10 180x20 weatherboards, and vertically with WB12 mixed profiles, breaks up the volume of the upper storey, while also softening the aesthetics of the building.

Finished in Protector - Ebony, Abodo Vulcan is also used for louvred shading on the upper storey, which hides the contemporary nature of the double height windows in the living area, and for the entry gate. The balcony is clad with vertical Vulcan weatherboards finished in Protector - Teak, with the soffit lined in 180x20 WB12 boards, creating a sense of warmth in this inset space.

Completion date: 2022

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