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Highly Durable Coating

12 Jul 2012

Highly Durable Polymer Coating

Euramax offers EuraMica finishes in a 3 layer Highly Durable Polymer coating formulation. This is a new alternative in our EuraMica product range.


Good Overall Properties

EuraMica HDP performs well on all properties. Especially the variety of colours, the scratch resistance and the mid range price makes this an attractive product on the market.


EuraMica XXL Panels

We are able to paint EuraMica HDP on coils up to 2630mm. As a result it is possible to coat extraordinary size panels over 2000mm width. Ref: NPI 1102 EuraMica HDP.


EuraMica HDP 3L

- Good overall properties
- Mid range price
- Available in widths up to