As of the above date, products covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) or European Technical Assessment (ETA) must have a Declaration of Performance (DoP) which details the product’s performance in relation to the essential characteristics defined within the relevant specification. A CE Mark Certificate will be available with the DoP for each relevant product. They must all also be CE marked on the product or packaging to demonstrate their compliance to the standard.
“Many of our products which require a CE mark have carried the mark for a number of years, but we have marked some additional items to ensure that all those that are relevant within the Hepworth Clay and Hepworth Terracotta ranges are identified”, states Paul Wydell, Wavin’s Product Manager – Clayware.
Wavin products carrying the CE mark include SuperSleve (100-300mm dia.), the complete HepSure range of couplings, adaptors and associated bushes, HepLine (100-300mm dia.) and Stell Gas terminals from the Hepworth Clay and Hepworth Terracotta ranges. It is planned that round and square flue liners will be CE marked shortly.
The CE marked products will be identified in Wavin’s Trade Price Lists. The corresponding DoPs are available to download from the Wavin website at
Wydell continued: “Since July 1st people will see more CE marked products in the market as a result of the change. The products have not materially altered in any way but they now have to carry the CE symbol.
There will be some non CE-marked stock in the market. These products are not inferior – either the mark is not required for them or they were manufactured prior to July this year, but will still have been manufactured to an appropriate standard. New stock will bear the designated CE symbol, where required”