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EUROWALL + achieves 0.18 U-Value target

19 Aug 2015

The British Rigid Urethane Foam Manufacturer’s Association (BRUFMA) welcomes news from member Recticel Insulation who has launched EUROWALL +, a new cavity wall PIR insulation product which has been designed specifically to achieve a 0.18 U-value target in new build developments and is set to help architects and specifiers meet the Part L 2013 Building Regulations.

EUROWALL + has also been developed to meet current building design requirements, achieving a 0.18 W/m2K in 100mm cavities. Manufactured at 90mm, 115mm and 140mm thicknesses, architects have no need to amend existing plans. For example, using EUROWALL + would reduce the risk of a larger housing footprint and thicker walls, which could result in less houses on site or smaller rooms. Installed using a tongue and groove edge profile, EUROWALL + allows for optimum installation, improving on ‘ship-lap’ joints or flat edges, which do not provide as positive a fit. In addition, this innovative design further enhances its thermal performance by creating an airtight seal between boards, preventing moisture passage.

Kevin Bohea, commercial director at Recticel Insulation UK, said: “EUROWALL + is an outstanding development for architects and specifiers who are working hard to meet recent changes in building regulations. We’ve used our expertise and experience in the industry to introduce state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies to keep up with these requirements, while ensuring that all Recticel PIR insulation boards maintain their essential flatness and thermal performance.”

Recticel has also developed a new technology for the facings of EUROWALL +, with one side a high emissivity facer and the other an alkali resistant facing, meaning that the board retains its intended structural integrity for longer. Recticel Insulation UK is part of the International Recticel Group, one of the world’s largest producers of polyurethane products, with a history dating back to 1778.

BRUFMA represents all of the major companies in the Polyisocyanurate (PIR) and polyurethane (PUR) industry in the UK, including manufacturers of finished products, suppliers of the various raw materials and associated services.