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Daniel Hurd Specify Tobermore Interlocking Paving System at new Sainsbury’s Branch

20 Feb 2017
Case study

Architect, Daniel Hurd Associates, was seeking a heavy duty hard landscaping solution for new Sainsbury’s store located on the Cirencester Road in Cheltenham, and Tobermore answered the architect’s problem with Toberloc – a hard wearing block paving product that is designed to provide maximum resistance to rutting and lateral forces, creating a more sustainable landscape.

Toberloc features an interlocking product shape which helps provide stability under heavy traffic and helps the product perform significantly better than 200x100mm paving products.

Toberloc not only offers these great functional benefits but also features an attractive, smooth surface finish that ensures the product can meet aesthetic requirements for any type of project.

Daniel Hurd Associates specified Toberloc in the blended colour of Brindle and subtle colour of Natural for this Sainsbury’s scheme. The two product colours were used to define different areas on site and provide an attractive accompaniment to the retail facility.