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Crossgrip PVC matting protects roof workers

23 Mar 2017
Case study

Crossgrip roof walkway matting was laid on the roof of a well-known Scottish shopping centre, The Centre Livingston, in order to provide safe access to the personnel for rooftop maintenance services.

The matting features a R10 certified slip resistant surface under DIN 51130 and a two layer open grid construction for drainage.

It is loose laid and supplied in rolls of up to 10m lengths, which means a drastic reduction in installation time.

It has also been tested for wind resistance at the University of Hertfordshire: tests showed that, when laid on a stable platform, the matting remains in place in wind speeds up to 94mph (150 km/h).

Furthermore, as it is made from flexible PVC, the matting easily contours to the roof structure, as well as being UV resistant.

Craig Young, Technical Services Manager at the Centre Livingston, reports: «We selected Crossgrip because of the ease of installation, it’s non-slip properties, reduced amount of labour for installation and the wind tunnel testing report for lifting». When asked if it was easy to install, he replies: «Yes it was basically a roll out installation, easy to cut and connect together».

The matting can be supplied in 60cm, 91cm or 122cm widths and Light Grey and Black colours. Other colours may be available on request.