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CPDs go online with the Wienerberger Knowledge Builder™ portal

16 Jul 2018

Wienerberger, leading supplier of wall, roof and landscaping innovations, is delighted to announce the launch of the Wienerberger Knowledge Builder™ portal, an online library of RIBA-accredited CPD training modules.

Knowledge Builder™ is a user-friendly website dedicated to delivering CPD content in a digital format that fits in with architects’ busy lifestyles. Responding to demand from architecture professionals for more online CPD material, Wienerberger’s educational modules can be completed on the go, at a time, place and pace that is convenient for the user.

Wienerberger are offering Knowledge Builder™ users the chance to win an Apple HomePod by completing a CPD module and the short feedback survey which follows.

Wienerberger are leading the way as the first manufacturer in the construction industry to make their full portfolio of CPD content openly available online via their own platform. The nine accredited modules cover the whole building envelope, focussing on bricks, roof tiles, pavers, blocks, façade systems and clay as a natural building material.

Knowledge Builder™ currently offers the following RIBA-accredited CPD modules, which cover elements of the RIBA Core Curriculum;

  • “Combining Technology with Tradition – A History of Natural Clay”
  • “Brick Design and Innovation”
  • “Designing for Movement in Brickwork”
  • “Technical Considerations when Designing with Brick”
  • “A History of Handmade Clay Tiles”
  • “Control of Roofspace Condensation”
  • “The Benefits of Clay Paving”
  • “Multi-Cellular Clay Block Walling System”
  • “Corium Cladding System”

Each CPD module is delivered in three stages through interactive presentations, with a few quick questions at the end of each stage to test the user’s knowledge. On completion of each module, users can download a certificate as proof of their earned RIBA accreditation points.

These modules include technical guidance, product information and inspirational case studies to illustrate the potential of Wienerberger’s range of building products. Future plans for the Knowledge Builder™ portal include regular updates of fresh accredited and non-accredited CPD content to reflect advancements in the industry, new products and further technical know-how.

Annette Forster, Wienerberger’s Marketing Director commented, “Knowledge Builder™ is a fantastic digital platform which allows us to reach more architects than ever before. It means we can deliver the informative and easy to access online CPD content that the industry wants. We’d like to encourage architects to try Knowledge Builder™ for themselves and share it amongst their colleagues and peers to increase awareness about this valuable resource. We’re interested in engaging with architects and listening to their feedback on what future content they would like to see, so please get in touch via the website.”

Face-to-face sessions delivered by Wienerberger’s team will continue to be part of their CPD offering, with the Knowledge Builder™ platform providing architects with a more flexible online training alternative.

Visit the Knowledge Builder online portal at  

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