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Connect with Pegler Yorkshire at EcoBuild 2015

3 Feb 2015

Pegler Yorkshire, market-leading manufacturer of plumbing and heating products, will be exhibiting on stand N6160 at this year's EcoBuild, taking place at London’s Excel from 3 – 5th March 2015.

‘Connect and Control’ will be Pegler Yorkshire’s theme as it displays a range of technologically advanced products and showcase how the manufacturer offers both systems and solutions for connecting and controlling flow for plumbing and heating applications. 

"Our stand this year will demonstrate how via the right connections and controls, you can not only save time and cost on a project but ensure the building’s performance is fully optimized in both user comfort and energy efficient terms," said Phill Jackson business development and marketing director Pegler Yorkshire. "Products in the spotlight include our newly launched range of Heat Interface Units, Terrier TRVs and the latest products to join our commissioning valves range.”

This year Connect will focus on the practical integration of renewable technology and how Pegler Yorkshire’s range of products allow the specifier freedom of fuel choice from solar to biomass and ground source.  The stand will feature specific areas of interest with interactive displays to support visitors in their quest for information about the integration of renewable technology.

Control, on the other hand, will feature products that are especially aimed at improving building performance through energy and water management.  Both connect and control will service a multitude of projects within a variety of sectors including, education, health and public building through to commercial and domestic installations.

Visitors will also be encouraged to sign up to Pegler Yorkshire’s personalized online tool My PY which offers visitors the chance to customize the information they need access to via Pegler Yorkshire’s main website.

My PY allows users to create and build their own portfolio of information from learning tools including online training and CPD to the latest price lists and specification clauses.  It also allows users to build their own brochures, which can help provide their own customers with a customized information guide including product information and technical data.

Phill concluded: "We remain committed to helping all our customers through a variety of ways from being a hub of industry information, providing technical support and by developing products that push boundaries to achieve greater sustainability through water saving, energy efficiency and cost saving”.

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