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Charcon win contract to supply Redcar & Cleveland Council for Eston Town Square Regeneration

2 Oct 2018

Charcon Hard Landscaping, a division of Aggregate Industries, has been awarded the contract to supply Redcar and Cleveland Council with materials to implement TGP Landscape Architects’ competition-winning design for the regeneration of Eston Town Square, North Yorkshire.  

The palette of high-quality natural stone granite and concrete paving materials follows the Landscape Architect’s sensitive design solution, reflecting the historic nature of the location and acknowledging the significance of the existing war memorial within the overall public realm of the town.  

Work began in August with the supply of 630m2 of Charcon’s granite setts, granite paving, and Andover Washed concrete block paving. Andover Washed concrete block paving, containing granite aggregates was selected to compliment the characteristics of the natural stone granite paving and contributed to an overall solution which could be delivered within the limitations of the budget. It is produced in the UK, with locally sourced materials and contains up to 50% recycled and reclaimed aggregates.

Robert Golden, Specification Manager for Charcon, comments: “When complete, this project will breathe a new lease of life into the Town Square in Eston and will give the existing war memorial the high quality setting it deserves. Work is progressing well and we look forward to its completion in time for the town’s special Remembrance Service in November to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War.”

The project, which forms part of Redcar and Cleveland Council’s multi-million pound, borough-wide ‘Area Growth Plans’, includes road-widening improvements, refurbished street furniture, new banner poles and other public realm improvements.

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