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Charcon win contract to supply cycle kerb in Poole

6 Nov 2018

Charcon Hard Landscaping, a division of Aggregate Industries, has been awarded the contract to supply the Borough of Poole, and it’s Townside Access Scheme, with its innovative Cycle Kerb.

The Townside Access scheme is part of the £23.3million Access to Poole Port and Regeneration Area Programme that the council is currently delivering in partnership with the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership.

Works started in the summer, with Charcon’s standard Cycle Kerb having been specified to provide Poole residents with a more consistent cycling and pedestrian network offering improved connectivity to the town centre. The kerbs are being fitted between the cycleway and footpath to help clearly define the two boundaries and provide safe routes for both pedestrians and cyclists.

Developed in conjunction with Cambridgeshire County Council as part of its transport strategy, Charcon’s Cycle Kerb can withstand vehicular overrun but has an angled profile creating a gentle and smooth transition between the carriageway and cycle lane.

Mark Ashton, Specifications Manager for Charcon, comments: “The growth of cycleway infrastructure throughout the country means that the appetite for segregation kerb solutions is significant. Cycle Kerb is ideal for use in areas where product appearance and environmental considerations are an important criteria as 100% of the product can be recycled.”

The first phase of the project is expected to be complete in late 2018.

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