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Charcon delivers impact in Birmingham city centre redevelopment

17 Sep 2018
Case study

Charcon Hard Landscaping, a division of Aggregate Industries, has successfully completed a significant delivery of over 4,500m2 of paving to the construction phase of Broadway Plaza in Birmingham.

More than 3,500m2 of Appalachian flag paving, a uniquely formulated granite aggregate, was supplied by Charcon to provide a top-quality paving solution that is suitable for high volume pedestrian areas. Supplied in Leemoor and Charcoal hues, the result was stylish hard landscaping with a strong visual appeal.

1000m2 of Charcon EcoPave Textured paving was also supplied, visually complementing the Applachian paving, as well as contributing impressive durability with 50% recycled or reclaimed materials.

To enhance the safety of the plaza, more than seven tonnes of Charcon Ultrapave were supplied. The reinforced paving prevents trip hazards whilst offering the appearance of natural granite, ideal for urban pavements. To complete the package, Charcon supplied up over 1100 units of bespoke paving in order to meet the specific design and safety requirements for the project.

Broadway Plaza is a multi-million pound scheme combining restaurants, bars, cinema, shops and residential apartments. The refurbishment works will provide a refreshed and improved environment for visitors to the city.

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