Objective: To provide a more cost-effective means of servicing and maintaining, while at the same time extending the life of, central heating systems in varied social residential developments.
Issues: As the largest housing association operating in east London and Essex with more than 13,500 homes, East Thames, an RSL, (Registered Social Landlord) has to review maintenance and repair costs in all areas. Central heating system maintenance costs in all properties, particularly older buildings, escalate and require more time and money as the systems age. Replacement of entire systems including associated pipe work is not only extremely costly, but far more disruptive for residents.
Solution: Adoption of a preventative approach through the installation of MagnaClean to provide continuous, in-line, maintenance.
Result: Following initial tests, significant sludge deposits have been removed from the system creating improved performance without disruption and the need for system refurbishment. Future monitoring of the system, four times a year, is anticipated to demonstrate a reduction in breakdowns and subsequent call-outs.
Verdict: "We’re committed to providing best solutions and best value for all our residents and any initiatives that meet both of these requirements are well received. We’re pleased with the early results. Since the initial installation, three further filters have been installed at similar developments and East Thames Group will be incorporating the use of MagnaClean within our service maintenance contracts."
Keith Deane, East Thames Group