The travel hub has installed a new, inclusive toilet in the main departure lounge, ensuring anyone who needs the help of at least one carer can undertake basic personal hygiene in clean, comfortable and appropriate surroundings whilst waiting for their flight.
Based on a new concept in toilet facilities- a Changing Places toilet, which is now ‘good practice’ under British Standards- the Airport’s facilities offer more space than a conventional ‘disabled’ (Building Regulations Approved Document M) toilet. It also has additional equipment, including a height adjustable adult-sized changing bench and hoist, supplied by the UK’s leading disabled toileting solutions company Total Hygiene and installed by Coupe Décor.
Birmingham Airport’s Dean Arnold explained, “Birmingham international Airport is fully committed to enabling as many people as possible to use its facilities. Local Changing Places campaigner Margaret Clough, who uses the airport when traveling with her daughter, approached us asking us to install this more inclusive facility so she, and other travellers like her who care for someone in a wheelchair who cannot toilet unaided, can travel in comfort.”
Without Changing Places and similar toilets, people who care for someone in a wheelchair often have to change them on the floor. Since the Changing Places campaign- sponsored by Total Hygiene- began, almost 400 have been opened across the country, and the speed of installation continues to grow apace, as commercial and public organisations acknowledge the potential and benefits of catering for all in toilet and washroom provision.