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Ancon Thermal Breaks

24 Jun 2011

Masonry support systems from Ancon can now be supplied with Thermal Breaks to minimise heat loss through cold bridging and improve the energy efficiency of the building envelope.


Ancon Thermal Breaks are manufactured from a durable fibre-reinforced thermoset plastic which combines low thermal conductivity with high compressive strength. They are shaped like a standard Ancon key-hole shim in order to locate quickly and easily, between bracket and structural frame, as a support system is installed.


Annabelle Wilson, Ancon’s Marketing Manager said,

Ancon has been involved with a number of exemplary projects which have really pushed the boundaries of energy efficient building design. By working alongside these project teams we have improved our understanding of the issues facing the industry as it moves towards sustainable zero-carbon construction.”


“At Ancon, we are committed to applying the knowledge learnt on these one-off projects to deliver simple, easy to replicate, cost-effective solutions to the mass market. The new Thermal Break is one such product.”


“We look beyond our traditional supplier base and regularly investigate new materials and technologies. The launch of our Thermal Break system follows closely behind our introduction of the Ancon TeploTie which is a unique low thermal conductivity wall tie manufactured from basalt fibres.”


A standard sized Thermal Break is available ex-stock to suit the majority of Ancon masonry support brackets; bespoke shapes can be machined to order. Thermal Breaks for Ancon Frame Cramps are also available.


Contact Ancon for more information on 0114 275 5224, or visit
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