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Aggregate Industries secures highways England category management pavement

9 Jul 2018

Aggregate Industries is delighted to announce that it will continue to deliver world class pavement solutions to Highways England for a further four years through its new Category Management Framework.

The new Framework, valued at c£2.3bn will see Aggregate Industries working on five of the six Major Regional Lots to provide pavement works on projects where the pavement element is estimated at over £1m irrespective of overall scheme value. The value of the works to Aggregates Industries is estimated to be in excess of £500m over the term of the framework.

Working alongside the current Pavement Community on the Major Lots, Aggregate Industries’ aim is to prioritise safety and build upon the collaborative and innovative working practices that have supported Highways England in delivering significant financial efficiencies and health and safety improvements during the original framework.

The company will continue to support Highways England and the new extended Pavement Community to identify the most effective pavement solutions that will provide enhanced value to Highways England and its customers.

François Pétry, Chief Executive Officer at Aggregate Industries, said: “I am delighted that Highways England has selected us to work with them over the next four years to deliver real value to its customers.

“Our continued investment in key production and manufacturing assets around the UK, along with investment in the latest plant, digital technologies and most importantly our people, will enable us to deliver the most sustainable and high quality pavement solutions for the Strategic Road Network, supporting Highways England to achieve its three imperatives: Safety; Customer Focus; and Delivery.”

Paddy Murphy, Contracting Director at Aggregate Industries, added: “Securing a leading position on this prestigious framework is a massive honour and a huge success for our business. We are very fortunate to have knowledgeable, committed resources within our team who consistently look for ways to improve the services and solutions we deliver through effective collaboration.

“The recent achievement by Aggregate Industries and the Pavement Community, who won the ‘Efficiencies and Continuous Improvement’ Award at the Highways England Supplier Recognition Awards (March 2018) exemplifies the collaborative success that we aim to take forward and replicate on the new Pavement Framework.”

For further information about Aggregate Industries, visit

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