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ACO Technologies launches its 2021 Webinar Series

3 Feb 2021

In today’s ever changing construction industry, it has never been more important to ensure you are up to date with current industry trends and new innovations.

ACO has put together our 2021 Webinar series to help make it as easy as possible to access our CPD offerings.

Below is our calendar of events:

03/02/2021 - Geocellular: Specify it right
10/02/2021 - Blue/Green Roof Design - creating sustainable urban environments
17/02/2021 - Managing Highways Surface Water
24/02/2021 - Design requirements for commercial drainage
10/03/2021 - Super Amphibian Highway
11/03/2021 - Blue/Green Roof Design - creating sustainable urban environments
17/03/2021 - Managing Rail Surface Water
24/03/2021 - Effective Grease Management
31/03/2021 - Practical and Sustainable Surface Water Management

All our CPD sessions start at 12.30pm

For more information to registration details visit

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