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Accessories Manufacturer of the Year 2023

19 Jan 2024

The CFJ Flooring Industry Awards 2023 was held at the Dallas Burston Polo Club in Southam, Warwickshire. The venue was exceptional and, as ever, the awards were a great success, with all of the major players in the industry in attendance. Quantum Flooring were accompanied by Westcotes Flooring and Treadwell Flooring.

Everyone at Quantum was delighted to win Profile and Trims Manufacturer/Supplier of the year for 2023. We were especially happy as it was the second year in a row that we have won this award, in a tough category. As an independent company, it truly does take a collective effort to keep up the high standards we’ve set for ourselves. Well done and congratulations to all Quantum employees.

We’d like to thank all of the fantastic flooring contractors who voted for us in these awards. It is a pleasure to deal with such skilled, hard-working (and discerning) professionals. We’re hugely grateful for your custom and support, and we are always there to help with any projects you have, big or small. Free measures, technical support, product advice – anything you need, we’re available.

Speaking of fantastic flooring contractors, many congratulations to Westcotes. They won in two installation categories at the awards: Community Venues and Public Spaces, and Flooring in Education – Schools. Both of these excellent projects were completed using Quantum products, giving us 3 trophies for the evening. Thank you Westcotes!

Thanks also to the CFJ for putting on yet another wonderful awards show, and the independent experts from the flooring industry who judged the installations. Well done to all the winners in the CFJ Flooring Industry Awards 2023. We hope to see everybody again next year, fingers crossed for 3 in a row!