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A simple touch!

5 Mar 2025

Reliable everyday technology from Garador makes opening and closing a garage door simpler than ever.

There’s no need to pull out a smartphone or remote to operate your garage door. Simply place your finger on the Garador scanner.

As Britain’s leading garage door manufacturer, Garador provides finger scanners that offer quick and easy functionality, capable of storing up to 12 authorized fingerprints. These scanners also deliver a high level of security, ensuring total confidence and peace of mind.

The compact, attractive scanner box is easy to install next to a Garador garage door, and its adjustable sliding lid provides weather protection.

Jon Watson, Garador’s Managing Director, says: “Our modern finger scanners, with their advanced security features, offer an excellent way to operate a garage door. Installation is quick and straightforward, and the scanners run on just four AAA batteries, eliminating the need for complex wiring.”

Learn more by visiting the Garage Door section at or by contacting one of our friendly advisors at 01935 443 700.”