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Reframing Spaces Caracas

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 6.30–8pm

Caracas is a city of contrasts, urban and rural, formal and informal, divided by physical and psychological barriers. Among the issues that currently affect the city are the decrease in public spaces for leisure and entertainment, risk of violence, compounded by the dense population and deficiency of services. This discussion will explore the theme of boundaries and thresholds in Caracas, and how public space interventions can help to positively transform the neighbourhoods.

The event is part of the British Council Reframing Spaces residency in Venezuela which, through an open call, invited UK based architects, artists and designers to submit proposals for public space interventions that could reinvigorate urban areas within Caracas. The winner, landscape architect and designer Will Sandy, will present the ongoing Catalyst Cube project – an accessible and engaging temporary architectural installation, placed in the landscape of Caracas. Will’s installation creates a focal point for the community, facilitating conversations to help identify opportunities in the neighborhood. It acts as a catalyst for future moves and changes in the city’s physical and social fabric.

The British Council invites you to discover the current creative culture and positive work being done in Caracas through this panel discussion with Will Sandy and industry experts from the UK and Venezuela.

Speakers include:

- Alfredo Caraballo, Allies and Morrison

Teresa Garcia, archithoughts

- Stefan Gzyl, Incursiones

- María Isabel Peña, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Will Sandy, Will Sandy | Design Studio

- Penélope Plaza, University of Reading (Chair)


The event will start at 6.30pm and end at 8.00pm, followed by a drinks reception. 


This event is brought to you by the British Council in collaboration with the Building Centre. It is part of the 2019 London Festival of Architecture.

With thanks to the Contemporary Cartography programme supporters, Medite Smartply

Contemporary Cartography event series Events:
Contemporary Cartography event series